Monday, September 1, 2014

Let's get it started!!!!

New life teen year begins this Sunday. Your core team is ready for #thebestyearever we have some new core members that are really excited to bring the saving message of Gods love to you. Incoming freshman your early introduction to core begins Sunday at 1pm a great way to meet the core and feel welcomed as this new life teen year begins. Fall retreat is coming up in November so get your registration forms in ASAP. Look for updates as the year progresses, I want to encourage everyone to come to couch room on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 this is a great way to fully engage in the youth group enviornment not as structured as a life night but very informative and challenging as well. At ALL life teen events whether it's at Life Night or Couch Room all highschool age teens are welcome did I say ALL it does not matter if you are registered in our program, we have had Teurlings, STM, Comeaux students, students from other Catholic Church parishes and Christian students of other faiths attend. So if you have a friend you would like to come with you the answer is always yes!!!!  See you this Tuesday and Sunday God Bless!

-Core Team, St. Mary Catholic Church

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Low ropes what's the point?

So Wednesday morning the guys were sent to low ropes. One may ask "How or what does this have to do with my Catholic faith?" Great question I'm so glad you asked. You see all of these elements (as they are called) teach those that go through them a different way of what good solid friendships can do for us. In the picture you see something called the trust fall. It is exactly that a trust fall, where the faller in this case our friend Alex is standing on an elevated platform and is going to trust that his somewhat new friends will catch him. 
It didn't happen with this teen. But with another the lack of mistrust between the faller and the catchers was so bad that when he fell back not only did he look back to make sure no one moved or left he kinda half way not really didn't fall back properly. He was caught and no injuries but because of not trusting that his friends would in fact not run away they still caught him. 

Such is the case in our relationship with our Lord. If we can build our trust (faith) in such a way through prayer, through weekly mass attendance or even daily mass attendance we will never look back to make sure he's going to catch us. We will take that faith that had been built up so strong and do great things. Build solid friendships and take that to our schools, our jobs, and our families. Working everyday on our relationship with God by getting into His written word (scriptures) recieving him worthely in the Eucharist. Going to confession regularly praying constantly, and finding someone we can trust that is not afraid to tell us we have done wrong in a loving way. So Alex "trust us fall on" the words that are said before we fall into our friends waiting arms! And always know that our saviour is always waiting for us when we fall. 
Keep sending prayers our way! And I'll write the week wrap up Saturday evening. God Bless and thanks for your awesome teens 
Art Garrett<><

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cove Crest 2014

As we dive into the second full day if camp, we set out to find and develope our story the teens have been challenged to look at their story so far and to see where a relationship with Jesus fits. And if Jesus is not part of it the question needs to be asked why?  In this setting we connect with each other and with the divine. With each other by way of accountability with the divine by way of the sacraments it is through these connections that we are made holy. Please continue to pray for us and pray for your teen that is how you can help most of all. Today will be a day of grace surely. I assure you that God is moving in this place He wants desperately for each of us to encounter Him in our own way and in our own time and if we are willing as Fr. Harold expressed this past Sunday at mass it will be genuine and lasting the invitation is there for the taking all we have to do is ask. 

God Bless you and pray for us here at Camp. 
Art Garrett<><

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



For anyone who was not at the Parent meeting a couple weeks ago, or for those who just misplaced it, here's the packing list. Print it out, use it, and then give the copy to your parents so they can follow us all week here on the Blog, on Facebook, and on Instagram (Instagram info in the previous post)! (By the time we leave for camp, we might have a Twitter account too..stay tuned!)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Us + Filters = Awesome

Announcing the St. Mary Life Teen INSTAGRAM Account!

We will kick off this amazing, face-meltingly awesome development by posting delightful pics from our week at Cove Crest Camp! 

Don't delay! 
Follow us on Instagram @SMLifeTeenLaf!!